The Master Collection Ebook has Proven Strategies to

Turn adhd into your greatest strength

It’s time to end the confusion, cut through the nonsense and discover the simple tools that work. Forget about all the hype and gimmicks. Forget about doing the easy stuff first, “being realistic” about your brain (an excuse for mediocrity), and turning your tasks into things like “scavenger hunts“.

That’s all bullshit.

It’s time to end the confusion, cut through the nonsense and discover the simple tools that work. Forget about all the hype and gimmicks. Forget about doing the easy stuff first, “being realistic” about your brain (an excuse for mediocrity), and turning your tasks into things like “scavenger hunts“.

That’s all bullshit.

There are three problems with most ADHD programs out there:

  1. They focus on easy things you can do to bend to your existing habits versus focusing on building new, more effective ones.
  2. They offer up a handful of small changes but fail to connect the dots from start to finish about how the strategies work together.
  3. There’s no consideration for external influences, like environment and diet, that directly impact your brain’s ability to function at it’s maximum scale.



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No matter how hard you try or what you do it seems impossible to stay focused and get all the things done on your daily and weekly to-do lists.

The Master Collection was designed specifically to empower you with the exact tools and strategies to use those tools to crush the 5 biggest ADD myths:

  1. Myth: You grow out of ADHD
    Fact: ADD and ADHD are brain functions based on an imbalance of chemicals, you cannot grow out of it.
  2. Myth: People with ADHD are mentally incapable
    Fact: ADHD are catalysts for higher function and have been leveraged to build business empires including Virgin America, IKEA, JetBlue, and many more.
  3. Myth: ADHD can only be treated with medication
    Fact: Reliance on medication forms a chemical dependency on non-natural substances. ADHD can be directly influenced by changing your bodies chemistry and reprogramming how your brain functions.
  4. Myth: Your brain is hardwired from the day you’re born and cannot be changed
    Fact: You bodies biology changes on it’s own every 7 years, but your brain (and the chemicals it produces) are directly impacted by your focus habits and the foods you put into your body.
  5. Myth: With ADHD you have to work harder to get as much done as those without the “disorder.”
    Fact: ADHD brains function faster, absorb more information, & process directives and tasks quicker than normal brains – we have the capacity to get 3-5x as much done as others without ADD.


Wouldn’t you love to work half as much and get 3x as much accomplished? You would open up a new experience of your life to spend more of your time doing what you enjoy most.

Do you want to do it without becoming a slave to your job and all of your daily tasks?

Do you want to eliminate gas, bloating, constipation, and other digestive health issues?

Would you like to rid yourself of your (at times) debilitating lack of focus by making some simple changes to the way you approach your daily to-do’s and the foods you eat? Or have energy levels you haven’t experienced since high school?

Imagine feeling ten years younger. How much that would impact your family and social life.

And how much more productive and financially successful you could be.



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  1. How to design a schedule that let’s you get only the most important tasks done each day.
  2. Which normal, everyday foods are like poison for the ADHD brain.
  3. Why your current diet is fighting against you, and actually magnifying your ADD
  4. What tools are available to support the tactics that will drive up your ability to be productive.
  5. How to design your workspace around the way YOU work.
  6. How to score your to-do’s to focus only on what will “move the needle,” for you personally.
  7. The power of delegation in your daily life, and a framework for deciding what should be delegated (and to whom).
  8. How to design your perfect month, week, and day.
  9. How to create to-do lists you’ll actually use (and that actually work).
  10. How to discover when you should be working and what to be doing during those time slots.
  11. The importance of distractions and how to embrace them to work for you.
  12. How to utilize every moment of every day to get 8 hours of work done in as little as 2-3 hours.
  13. How to re-center yourself in only 5 minutes and take control of your focus.
  14. What foods to avoid and what you should be using to replace them.
  15. The medical research showing small changes to the intake of specific byproducts is a catalyst driving our lack of focus.

The Master Collection is a digital eBook available for

You can read it on your computer or your
favorite e-reader like Kindle.

30-Day Money Back Guarantee


This e-book is a result of years of work and experimentation, backed by the research, studies, and proven skills of others.

After 10 years of building businesses in the digital industry, working with hundreds of businesses (and business owners) I have a lot of life changing information to share.

Before writing this book I’ve authored hundreds of articles for numerous magazines and websites such as Entrepreneur,, INC,, The Huffington Post, and Fitness and several others.

I’m the Founder of  I’m From The Future, a 7 figure digital agency in Philadelphia, Co-Founder of  , NK Tech a digital publishing company, a Founding Partner of SmartSpaces, a real estate investment firm, & the Founder of Traffic Think Tank, the #1 Private Slack community for SEO’s.

*I’m also on the advisory board for DeepCrawl, a web-technology software company.

-Nick Eubanks


what industry experts thought of the book and the master collection strategies

“Facing a future with a label such as “ADD” or “ADHD” can be overwhelming and provide uncertainty for those tasked with carrying such a label. “How can I be successful?” “Will I always be seen as off-task and distracted?” These are real questions and concerns that actual clients have asked in session. Nick Eubanks’ The ADD Hero Master Collection provides much needed answers and support to people struggling with these fears. This guide offers a voice of hope from a self-described “ADDer” who is also a successful entrepreneur. With an excellent combination of a strong, relatable voice and expert information and statistics, this guide can help to lead you down the path of success to a life that you’ll love.”

Katherine Lang

Outpatient Clinician

“At times I find my ADD to be a painful diversion from achieving my goals, while other times I have the most intense focus imaginable – and can handle impossible amounts of work. ADD Hero’s Master Collection provides an awesome and straight-forward set of practical tools for unleashing my ADD to be my greatest asset.”

Jeff Gibbard

Founder, True Voice Media

“An inspiring look at how ADHD is not your enemy; in fact these ideas and practical tips can help unlock the potential ADHD can offer. Personally, I was able to realize how incredibly important time is and how to use time as an advantage, rather than work against time. ”

Jeff Gibbard

Founder, True Voice Media


Are these strategies just focused on productivity hacks?

Yes. One of the greatest aspects is that it allows you to still enjoy your creative brain and learn how to deal with distractions that includes scheduling them. Yes, really.

Can This Work for Me if I’m Already on Medication?

Yes. One of the greatest aspects is that it allows you to still enjoy your creative brain and learn how to deal with distractions that includes scheduling them. Yes, really.

Do I Need to Buy Any Additional Tools for This to Work?

Yes. One of the greatest aspects is that it allows you to still enjoy your creative brain and learn how to deal with distractions that includes scheduling them. Yes, really.

Does This Collection Work For Non-Entrepreneurs

Yes. One of the greatest aspects is that it allows you to still enjoy your creative brain and learn how to deal with distractions that includes scheduling them. Yes, really.

Are these Strategies hard to follow?

Yes. One of the greatest aspects is that it allows you to still enjoy your creative brain and learn how to deal with distractions that includes scheduling them. Yes, really.

Do I Ever Get to Be Distracted and Let My Mind Wonder Following These Strategies?

Yes. One of the greatest aspects is that it allows you to still enjoy your creative brain and learn how to deal with distractions that includes scheduling them. Yes, really.

How Long Does The Book Take to Ship?

Yes. One of the greatest aspects is that it allows you to still enjoy your creative brain and learn how to deal with distractions that includes scheduling them. Yes, really.

How Soon Can I Expect to See Results?

Yes. One of the greatest aspects is that it allows you to still enjoy your creative brain and learn how to deal with distractions that includes scheduling them. Yes, really.


This stuff works. I’ve invested years in perfecting these strategies and weeding out the crap that just doesn’t work. Thousands of people have gotten results. You will too.

That being said, the e-book comes with a full 30-day money-back guarantee. If you’re disappointed for whatever reason, you’ll get every cent back and it’s free for you.

Consider These 5 Facts One More

  1. This is a self-guided set of strategies for you to utilize at your pace.
  2. You can implement these in whatever capacity works for you, but every one will give you more focused time in your life.
  3. It’s easy to follow. Most people say it’s by far the easiest set of focus and productivity strategies they’ve ever used.
  4. It’s the only ADD strategy guide with long term mind and body health in mind.
  5. If it doesn’t work for you, it’s free.
If you’re ready to take control of your ADD or ADHD, get more done in less time,


We can’t wait to hear your success story. So be sure to keep us posted and email them to us when you’re done. And never hesitate to ask us any questions you may have. We’re here for you every step of the way.



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The Master Collection is a digital eBook available for instant download.
You can read it on your computer or your favorite e-reader like Kindle.