Nick: Hey, this is Nick Eubanks. Welcome to another episode of the ADD Entrepreneur. Today, we are joined by the founder of Juris Digital, Casey Meraz. He is based out of Greenwood Village, Colorado. And Juris Digital specializes in doing digital support services and marketing for law firms. How are you doing, Casey? Casey: Pretty good, Nick. Thanks for having me. I appreciate it. Nick: No, I appreciate you coming on, man. I usually butcher this sort of the bio's of the folks … [Read more...]
Episode 2 with Alex Urevick-Ackelsberg, CEO of Zivtech
Hey everybody, welcome to episode number two of The A.D.D. Entrepreneur. Today I am thrilled to be joined by Alex Urevick-Ackelsberg, the Founder of Zivtech, a Philly-based digital strategy company specializing in application and product development, who also obviously happens to have ADD. Thanks for hopping on here, Alex. Alex: Absolutely, happy to join. Nick: That said, again, I wanna make sure...I don't know if you wanna add anything on to what it is you do because what we were … [Read more...]
Episode 1 with Ross Fruin, Co-Founder of SearchLogic
To kick off The ADD Entrepreneur Podcast, I interview Ross Fruin, Co-Founder of Portland, OR based direct-response marketing agency, SearchLogic. My favorite quote from this episode is: We live in a world where our education system has not evolved much from 100 years ago. If you're unable to listen, the full podcast transcript can be read below: Nick: Hey. Welcome to the ADD Entrepreneur. This is our flagship podcast and I'm really excited to kick this off with an entrepreneur with … [Read more...]